Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni Lyrics – The Best Funny Lyric Quote


The line is actually the first line of a famous lyric song “Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni”. There are many different version of this lyric somebody once told me the world was macaroni lyrics song can be found online specially in YouTube.

Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni lyric

The songs Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni lyric is in the following way.

“Somebody ounce to me the world was macaroni

So i took a bite out of a tree

It tasted kinda funky so i spit it at a monkey

and the monkey started cussing at me

2000 years later the monkey joined the army

Got a military shotgun and shot me

hey now. im a dead man. what you gone do?

Im a ghost!

hey now.

im a dead man. what you gone do?

Im a ghost!!”

somebody once told me the world was macaroni

Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni – The Best Funny Lyric Quote

The other version of this Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni lyric I heard from online is in the following way:

Somebody once told me the world was macaroni

So I took a bit out of a tree

It tasted kinda funky so I spit it at a monkey

and the monkey started cursing at me

(we changed that line to ‘started chasing me’ because of the teachers)

5000 years later the monkey was Darth Vader

and he threw his light saber at me

It hit me in the eye and I started to cry

And that was the end of me

somebody once told me the world was macaroni song

The other version of this somebody once told me the world was macaroni song has sung by the small boy youtuber  ImTurtleZz I heard from youtube is in the following way:

“Some body once told me the world was macaroni so I took a bite out of a tree tasted kind of funny so I spit it at a bunny and the bunny started pooping on me thousand years later I met Darth Vader and he threw his light saber at me missed me by a meter and hit Justin Bieber and his last words were oh baby baby baby ahhhh”

Check this out Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni lyrics

The other version of the song named Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni lyrics I heard from online is so funny.

Somebody once told me the world is macaroni, so I took a bite out of a tree.

It tasted kinda funky so i spit it at a monkey, and the monkey started cursing at me.

about a year later it turned into Darth Vader, and he threw his light saber at me.

But he missed me by a meter and hit Justin Bieber,

and then Justin was history.

Here is in the lyric in the following:

The another version of the lyric Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni lyrics is so much lyric and robotic. It tells in the following way:

Somebody once told me the world is macaroni, 

so I took a bite out of a tree.

It tasted kinda funky so i spit it at a monkey

and the monkey started cursing at me.

about a year later it turned into Darth Vader, and he threw his light saber at me.

But he missed me by a meter and hit Justin Bieber,

Baiby, baiby, babyii ooooohhh

So funny! Isn’t it?

Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni So I Took A Bite Out Of A Tree Lyrics

Small kid’s youtube channel has sung the song somebody once told me the world was macaroni so i took a bite out of a tree lyrics in the following way

“Somebody once told me the world was Marconi So I took a bit of a tree it tasted kinda funky so spit it on a monkey and the monkey was mad it started to curse at me and 2 billion years later the monkey turned into dark vader and throw his light saber at me and he mist me bye a mile and hit my friend Kyle and Kyle was mad at me”

I hope you have enjoyed. What do you think?

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Somebody Once Told Me The World Was Macaroni Lyrics

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