The glorification of childhood in Wordsworth ode intimations of immortality


The great American poet Emerson called correctly “ Wordsworth ode intimations of immortality ” the “high-water mark of poetry in the nineteenth century” that deals with the reflection of childhood. Wordsworth’s observation of childhood is platonic. He has a high conception of childhood. As a great mystic and philosopher, Wordsworth has glorified childhood. The glorification of childhood Wordsworth ode intimations of immortality is very clear. His conception is apparent in his most popular line.

“Child is the father of the man”

According to the poet, the earth abounds with a different kind of pleasure and comforts which she offers to the child. Heaven is the real home of the child. When the children grow older, they come to touch on the material success that inspires them to forget the real-time. Though the child is deaf and soundless, yet he can realize the deep mysteries infinity. The child is frequently visited by the vision of God or heaven.

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Wordsworth ode intimations of immortality
Child is the father of man

The child is called “the father of the man” as long as the child remains in the state of innocence. it enjoys divine visions. As the child grows into a boy, boy into a man these visions fade away when this man gets maturity of life, he forgets the celestial glory absolutely.

Double vision of childhood

There is a double vision of childhood in Wordsworth ode intimations of immortality. There is a “visible childhood” and an “invisible childhood”. The farmer is lived openly for the factual language in stanza vii, the later is presented in “stanza Vii’ where metaphor and myth are used. He says in this stanza of immortality ode:

“Mighty prophet, seer blest

On whom those truths do res

Which we are toiling all out lives to mind”

The child is spiritually greater than the adult man. He is as yet no caught up in worldly pleasures which would make him forget “that imperial place whence he came”. He is chained by the corrupt world. The poet warns the child that he should not be anxious to grow up in the poem immortality ode. In Mature age, he will have to suffer from a number of worldly sorrows.

In the very last moment, we can say that this order represents the visions of life victories over death. Like Shakespeare’s Peticles and Shelly’s Prometheus, it is a vision of immortality. So, Wordsworth ode intimations of immortality is very clear to us. His idea of childhood is very unique.

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