In Emily Dickenson poems, melancholy is tinged with in an inseparable manner. It echoes so deeply that her poems present an atmosphere of pessimistic world. In fact, it is the note of melancholy which has attribute graver and serious. Dickinson is mainly preoccupied with the serious aspects of life.
She treats every aspects/subject matter with her mature philosophy. She deals with immortality, death in and between God and man and above all mystic quality embodied in man. Now it is the time to analysis Emily Dickenson poems . Hope you will like Emily Dickenson poems analysis

Table Of Contents
Emily dickinson poems : I died for beauty but was scarce theme or analysis
From Emily dickinson poems, I died for beauty, but was scare is an embodiment of melancholic tone. In this poem the poet imagines herself death and talk about her short life. Through this poem the poet has death with death from different purpose/point of view. To the poet death is the end of life. The poet died for beauty and was laid in the grave.
At the same time, another person died for truth and was laid in the next grave. They talk to each other. So they are the same category. Beauty and truth are essentially the same. All material success become fruitiest at the end of life.
In this poem the poet says in the following ways:
“I died for beauty, but was scare
Adjust in the tomb
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room”
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Emily dickinson poems : Because i could not stop for death theme of death or Summary
Because I could not stop death For Death is one of the best poem of Emily dickinson poems is one of the famous poems of Emily Dickinson. No one can escape death. The poet is not exceptional of it. The poet can not stop her death. But Death stops her life. Death is a mere journey from the worldly life to eternal life.
The poet’s realization of death has been described through this poem. It is a poem of departure from life. He engages himself in different types of activities. But gradually he has to meet the termination of his life. It is a universal truth. All the achievement good or bad come to end at the termination of life. So the poet would like to accept death as a very easy matter.
She wants to hand over her life to death. At the eleventh hour f her life, she prepares herself for heath. Death will come in her life. So, she does not want to avoid it. The poet has a vast experience of her long life. She has enjoyed many crops field, schools, houses, village, sun setting and many thrilling beauty. All these reflect the poet’s mind before her death. Human beings leave their good achievement for their fellowmen at the time of their termination. The poet indicates immortality of soul through this poem. She says:
“Because I could not stop for death
He kindly stopped for me
The carriage held but just ourselves
And immortality”
I taste a liquor never brewed summary or theme
I taste A Liquor Never Brewed is one of the best poems of Emily dickinson poems, is another excellent poem of Dickenson. The theme of this poem is the poet’s Bacchnalia. Through this poem we see Dickenson’s spiritual touches. Heavenly wine is a great joy to her. Dickenson can not be satisfied drinking worldly wine. One heavenly wine can satisfy her. The poet tastes a liquor/wine that has never been brewed/man made.
It symbolically means to poet’s total absorption in the beauties of nature. She says in the poem:
“Till seraphs swing their snowy hats
And saints to window run
To see the little Tippler
Learning against the sun”
Poets liquor is rare, not found on earth. The poet wants to drink wine from tankards Scooped in pearls. The poet says that she does not drink wine like bees and butterflies when all the bees and the butterflies give up their drinks.
After completing the discussion of emily dickinson poems , we may firmly says that emily dickinson poems are the symbol of theme of melancholy.
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