Tree Plantation Paragraph for hsc SSC & JSC | Paragraph, composition or essay on Tree Plantation


Students, Today I am going to write a very important paragraph named tree plantation paragraph, essay or composition. This tree plantation paragraph writing is very useful for Jsc, Ssc and hsc students in Bangladesh as well as the whole world student. Hope you will enjoy my writings. Please check our the two writing on Tree Plantation which can be used both in writing paragraph, essay or composition.

tree plantation paragraph

Tree Plantation Paragraph in about 180 words for hsc

Planting a large number of trees is called tree plantation. Trees are the most important element in our environment. No creature can live without trees. If there are no trees, our existence will be disappeared. Because we take oxygen which we get from trees. On the other hand, we take off carbon dioxide and trees take in carbon dioxide so that the environment my cold. We generally get fruits, food, wood, share, and flowers from trees. Trees prevent air population, river erosion, and natural disaster. For trees, the rainfall comes and helps our farmers to cultivate the land for growing crops. Trees control ecological balance. Trees add the beauty of nature. But trees are being cut down every year without any reason. So it is a great treat for our existence on earth if we cut down trees rapidly. Developing countries like Bangladesh will be greatly affected by deforestation. For this reason, we have to take some initial steps for tree plantation so that we can make our world greener and happier through effective tree plantation programs and forest conservation. 

Paragraph Tree Plantation

Tree plantation paragraph or Paragraph Tree Plantation in easy word about 150 words for hsc,ssc,jsc

Tree plantation has become a common slogan for all in our country. Every man is familiar with this term. Tree plantation means planting trees rapidly or vastly. Trees are very essential for our existence. Without tress, our existence can not be thought. Trees are closely related to our life. They are our best friends and help us in many ways. There are a great source of food, vitamins and furniture. They help us to solve our economic problem. From twelve month, June and July are the best time for tree plantation. There are many places for planting trees. We can plant trees on the both sides of road and highways, sea beaches and low lying unused lands. The Government of our country should take steps to make the programme a grand success so that we can lead a happy, peaceful and progressive life under the shade of green trees.

Tree Plantation Paragraph for class 10

Tree plantation has now become a main slogan. Its necessity is worldwide. Trees are the most familiar elements of our environment. It is obvious that it play an important role to keep up our existence as tree gives us oxygen and provides us with food. Nobody can live without the direct or indirect help of trees. It is our best friend and related to our life and death because it takes away carbon-di-oxide. Trees are also considered a source of income. Trees give us oxygen which we take to life. Let us consider for a moment without trees. Surely then we will find a barren and desert like scene. If we think deeply about our life, we see life without trees is impossible and unimaginable. For want of trees our life and existence will be at stake. Without trees is impossible and unimaginable. For want of trees our life and existence will be at stake. Without trees ecological balance will be intimidated. So we should plant more and more trees in order to maintain a harmony between man and nature. It will ensure a better world.  

Anway we have written about Tree Plantation Paragraph. Now, We all the about MrBeast the best YouTuber in the world takes a project to plant huge trees. You may check video in the following video. It’s just amazing.

So my dear students, What do you think about tree plantation paragraph writing. If you have any questions please do comment below.

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